account offcanvas


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Author: admin

How to work product visibility system?

Item visibility is divided into several mealtimes- Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack, etc. The item

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How To Change Quick Cart-Checkout Style?

wcOne provides 2 unique quick cart-checkout styles. You can choose the one that you

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How to assign an order to the delivery boy From the manager page?

After Cooking Complete the order need to assign a delivery boy to order delivery.

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How to works order status?

wcOne provides an order status change option to know the order’s current status. All

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How to create a branch manager, Packaging manager, and delivery boy user?

You will need to create a user to access the branch manager, packaging manager,

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What is order managed from admin?

The main admin can see and controls orders from wp-admin – wcOne – Orders.

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Where you will find Order status text change options?

If you want to change the order status text which wcOne provides a default,

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Where you will find wcOne color change options?

wcOne provides background, text, button, anchor link, etc color change options so that you

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Where you will find a print button to print the invoice?

You will find the print button in the order details popup:

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Upload invoice logo and header, footer text

wcOne provides invoice logo, shop name, address, and footer text add option.

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